Your provider:

Danielle Kaufman |MS, PA-C
What would you like to book?
Consultation (No Treatment)(45 Min.)
$100 Deposit, Goes towards treatment
Existing Patients: Botox, Dysport, or Xeomin(45 Min.)
New Patients: Consultation with Botox, Dysport or Xeomin(60 Min.)
Dermal Fillers - (Lips Only)(60 Min.)
Dermal Fillers - Earlobe Rejuvenation(60 Min.)
Dermal Fillers - Hand Rejuvenation(60 Min.)
Dermal Filler - (Full Face Rejuvenation)(120 Min.)
Bio Filler (EZ GEL or PRF Injections)(90 Min.)
PRF Hair Restoration(75 Min.)
Kybella(45 Min.)
Filler Correction/Dissolve(60 Min.)
Sculptra Aesthetic(90 Min.)
Consultation: PDO Thread(60 Min.)